He Made Himself Nothing – Part 2

The drive to the prison did not take Mr. Arnold more than 15 minutes. His mind was completely occupied with his son, Josh, who was headed in the opposite direction, when the chief suddenly found himself already at the prison entrance. The security guards, recognizing the truck and the driver, just waved him right on…

He Made Himself Nothing – Part 1

Josh Arnold, 18 years old and recently graduated from high school, lived at home with his parents and planned on leaving for college at the end of the summer. His mom was a part-time nurse at the local out-patient surgery center and his dad was Chief Warden at the State Penitentiary, not far from where…

Consider Others

My two favorite times of the day are the 20 minutes before school begins and the 20 minutes after school ends – when you are coming onto campus and when you are driving off. It takes only a friendly “Good morning,” or a wave in the afternoon to get a smile from almost any student….

Remember Who You Are

Earlier this week I received an email from a CVC parent who had recently attended one of our football games. This was not a high school parent, so I think she probably attended one of the games at which we hosted the rocket football players or the elementary school cheerleaders. In her email she registered…