“What About Him?”

Many of you know that in past Easter chapels, I took on the role of Peter and told the K-12 audience what it was like to be with Jesus. It was fun for me to put myself into the stories. A fisherman being selected by a rabbi, the vision of unclean animals, sharing the good…

Help My Unbelief

I try to begin each day with a time of prayer. Often, especially when there is a lot on my mind and it’s hard to focus, I write my prayers. My prayer journal also serves as a diary of sorts, reminding me of the events of the past years.  I am not one who thinks…

A Farewell Tour

Including today, I have only 15 more days of work.  A big part of the superintendent’s job includes looking ahead and planning for the future. In my time at CVC, I’ve organized groups to help with that planning – a Strategic Planning Task Force, a Master Plan Task Force, and a School Improvement Team are…

Have the Grace…

“Hey, Mr. Baker, is it okay if I wear this all day today, when I’m outside?”  The question came from a little guy as he got off the bus. He was wearing a cowboy hat.  I thought to myself, “Who am I to tell someone they can’t wear a hat?” There are probably some students…

Whose Kid is That?

My morning routine includes greeting students as the buses unload each morning. The first bus comes rolling in at 7:50 and the next six arrive over the next ten minutes. I have a few little friends who like to join me instead of heading directly to their classrooms and I don’t mind at all. I…