Intersecting Lives

The two most important things on my agenda for this past Tuesday were the following: Visit Nick at his school in Boulder.  Bring Ali and Jamil to a barber. I was not scheduled to arrive at the Boulder school until 9:00 am. Since I have not yet conditioned my body to sleep in, I was…

“Give Us This Day…”

As a superintendent of schools with many different relationships to maintain, tasks to be accomplished, and decisions to be made, there were always an endless number of things to pray about and people to pray for. There were obvious blessings for which to be grateful, but also frustrations and disappointments to lament.  In the world…

“What, Jesus, is Most Important?”

I walked into the shop class and quickly spotted Ryan on the other side of the room, over by the table saws. As the good-natured noise subsided and eyes looked up, I knew they were all wondering who was in trouble. No one was really in trouble. At least, not yet. I was only gathering…