Serve With Me

Last week I mentioned the detention forms on which students sometimes identify classmates they respect, fellow students they hold in high regard, because of their behavior and the way they treat people around them. I referred to those students as stars that shine in an otherwise crooked and depraved world. I think it’s a healthy…

Shine Like Stars

Over the last two weeks we’ve had three different candidates on campus who would like to be the next high school principal at CVC. We hope to soon have that selection made and the process completed. One topic often comes up during conversations and interviews. In one case the candidate asked the interviewing team to…


A lot of passages in the Bible begin with the word, “therefore.” I had a pastor who always told us that whenever a verse began with the word, “therefore,” we needed to figure out what it was “there for.” Whenever the word “therefore” is used, you need to read what comes before it. Whatever comes…

Every Knee

Today is the first Friday morning devotions of 2015. I’m using the same passage in Philippians as I used for the last Friday in 2014. In Philippians 2, Paul urges his readers to practice humility – putting others first. He tells us, in fact, to have an attitude that is the same as that of…