Worms to Wings

“But I am a worm and not a man,  scorned by men and despised by the people.” Psalm 22:6 In our new Colorado neighborhood, there have been sightings of bald eagles. Not too far away, one pair of eagles built a nest. A video camera was set up and pointed at it, waiting for baby…

Gentle Power

The Sovereign Lord comes with power… He tends his flock like a shepherd… He rules with a mighty arm… He gathers the lambs in his arms…  He measures the waters in the hollow of his hand… He carries his lambs close to his heart… With the breadth of his hand, he marked off the heavens……

Comfort, Comfort

At the start of Lent, our pastor instructed us not to give up chocolate. As you can imagine, that went over quite well. “Don’t give up chocolate, or caffeine, or ice cream or any other current vice that you enjoy.” Yes! Preach it! We’re with you! But then, “Instead of giving something up, how about…

My Favorite Author

After church on Sunday morning, I sat in a small room with five young people who signed up for a confirmation class I agreed to teach. Each of the five students, from middle school to high school age, is paired with an adult mentor. Two of those mentors were also present in the morning’s class. …

“You Da Man!”

The other night I confidently confronted four brutes in a bar. From across the darkly lit room, I could see they were coming on to an attractive woman. She was uncomfortable and frightened. I ambled over and warned them to knock it off. The leader of the group sneered, “Oh yeah? And who’s gonna make…