Ears to Hear

I write out my morning prayer in a journal. Writing helps me in at least two ways – it prevents my mind from wandering and it provides a bit of a diary that I can go back and read. If you were to read my prayers, you would find that asking God to speak to…

Tall Caramel Macchiato for Max

I drink my coffee black. Each morning, I have several cups. No cream, no sugar. Black. When I lived in Visalia, I would treat myself, each Sunday on the way home from church, to a caramel macchiato at Starbucks. Even the skinny version probably had a lot of calories, but I always ran an extra…

Sanctifaccreditation – Up and to the Right

[Devotional prepared for accreditation site visit with the staff at San Jose Christian School.] My goal for this devotional was not a lofty spiritual goal. My goal was to work in a seven-syllable word. Since I couldn’t really think of any, I made one up – Sanctifaccreditation. It’s a noun derived from the Dutch that…

A Question For You

The Gospel of John includes the account of Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus is thirsty and asks the woman for a drink. That was an unusual request and it starts an equally unusual conversation in which Jesus tells the woman about Living Water. During the conversation, the disciples return from a…

In God’s Image

So God created humankind in his image,    in the image of God he created them;    male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 God became human and dwelled among us. That means that we can learn a lot about the nature of God by studying the life of Jesus who was, himself, God.  Maybe there’s another way…

A Lamb’s Perspective

The Sixth Sense is a 1999 psychological thriller that starred Bruce Willis as a child psychologist and Haley Osment as a 9-year-old boy who saw and interacted with dead people. It’s not until the very end of the movie when Osment tells his mother, “I see dead people,” that things fall into place and the…

A Light Has Dawned

As they sat down with their peppermint lattes, Pastor Brink was not sure how to begin the conversation. Susan, the young woman across from her, asked to meet. Her marriage of only three years was in a dark place. She suspected her husband of being unfaithful, coming home later and later from work with no…

In the Flesh

Growing Up: I grew up on 2 Miedama Place, Midland Park, New Jersey – a dead-end street, although I don’t think they call them dead-end streets anymore. I think the real estate market changed the name to cul-de sac. The French word probably sells better, even though it translates to “bottom of the sack.” My…

A Retiree’s Prayer

I start each day by making a list. Even though I am now retired, I still like to have a plan, be productive, and not just wander aimlessly through the day. Some days I entitle my list, “TO DO.” Other days I write, “GET TO DO.” This morning it was just called “TODAY.”  Often, I…

“Abba, Father”

“I love you, Poppop.”  Wait. What? What did she say? Looking at Joan, my suspicion was confirmed. My granddaughter, for the first time, told me she loved me. Daphne is “two in August,” and each Tuesday when she comes to spend the day, she seems to know more words and how to put them together….